java is a micro frame work, used to build web applications with minimal effort.
It is a pure java alternative for developers, who want to develop web
applications. Without discussing much theory let’s start building web
applications using spark.
Step 1: Add Maven dependency
<dependency> <groupId>com.sparkjava</groupId> <artifactId>spark-core</artifactId> <version>2.1</version> </dependency>
Note: If you don’t want to work with Maven, you can
download spark jar files and place them in classpth.
Step 2: Write simple
Application, which displays welcome page.
import static spark.Spark.*; import spark.Request; import spark.Response; import spark.Route; public class HelloSpark { public static void main(String[] args) { get("/welcome", new Route(){ @Override public Object handle(Request request, Response response) throws Exception{ return "Welcome to Spark Development"; } }); } }
you are using Java 8 or more, then you can use Lambda expressions like below.
(req, res) -> "Welcome to Spark Development");
import static spark.Spark.*; public class HelloSpark { public static void main(String[] args) { get("/welcome", (req, res) -> "Welcome to Spark Development"); } }
(req, res) -> "Welcome to Spark Development");
above statement, It is divided into three portions.
1. Verb (get) : it is
type of request. Spark supports all HTTP requests like get, post, put, delete,
head, trace, connect, options.
2. Path (“/welcome”) :
3. Callback : (request,
response) -> { }
subsequent posts, we will see some basic features of spark framework.
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