Serialization uses the Serializable and Externalizable interfaces.In
case of serialization, the serialization of the object is taken care
automatically. Where as in externalization, it is the developr
responsibility to what to serialize and what not to serialize.
serialization happens?
per javadoc, JVM first checks for the Externalizable interface and If
the object supports Externalizable, the writeExternal method is
called. If the object does not support Externalizable and does
implement Serializable, the object is saved using ObjectOutputStream.
When an Externalizable object is reconstructed, an instance is
created using the public no-arg constructor, then the readExternal
method called. Serializable objects are restored by reading them from
an ObjectInputStream.
interface provides two methods. The class which implements
Externalizable interface, must provide the definition for these
Method | Description |
readExternal(ObjectInput in) | The object implements the readExternal method to restore its contents by calling the methods of DataInput for primitive types and readObject for objects, strings and arrays. |
writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) | The object implements the writeExternal method to save its contents by calling the methods of DataOutput for its primitive values or calling the writeObject method of ObjectOutput for objects, strings, and arrays. |
import java.io.*; public class Employee implements Externalizable{ int id; String firstName; String lastName; public Employee(){ super(); } Employee(int id, String firstName, String lastName){ this.id = id; this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; } @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException{ out.writeObject(firstName); out.writeObject(lastName); out.writeInt(id); } @Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException{ firstName = (String)in.readObject(); lastName = (String)in.readObject(); id = (int)in.readInt(); } }
import java.io.*; public class ExternalizeEx { public static void main(String args[]){ Employee emp = new Employee(1, "Krishna","Arjun"); Employee newEmp = null; /* Serialize Employee */ try { FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("ser.out"); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fout); out.writeObject(emp); out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(1); } /* Deserialize Employee */ try { FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("ser.out"); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fin); newEmp = (Employee) in.readObject(); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Employee emp details"); System.out.println(emp.id + " " + emp.firstName + " " + emp.lastName); System.out.println("New Employee newEmp details"); System.out.println(newEmp.id + " " + newEmp.firstName +" " + newEmp.lastName); } }
Employee emp details 1 Krishna Arjun New Employee newEmp details 1 Krishna Arjun
this example, class Employee implements Externalizable interface
which means that Employee object is ready for serialization. Unlike
serialization, you must specify what to serialize for
Externalization. So when you write the "Employee" object to
the OutputStream, the "writeExternal" method is called and
the data is persisted. The same applies to "readExternal"
method in the Employee object i.e., when you read the "Employee"
object from the ObjectInputStream, "readExternal" method is
if the super class of Employee doesn't implement Externalizable
interface ?
say there is a class 'EmployeeAddress' which is a super class of
Employee, but it don't implement Externalizable interface. To persist
the fields in the Employee class the writeExternal and readExternal
methods of Employee class are modified to save/restore the super
class fields first and then the sub class fields.
public class EmployeeAddress { String state, country; EmployeeAddress(String state, String country){ this.state = state; this.country = country; } public EmployeeAddress(){ super(); } }
import java.io.*; public class Employee extends EmployeeAddress implements Externalizable{ int id; String firstName; String lastName; public Employee(){ super(); } Employee(int id, String firstName, String lastName, String st, String con){ super(st, con); this.id = id; this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; } @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException{ out.writeObject(state); out.writeObject(country); out.writeObject(firstName); out.writeObject(lastName); out.writeInt(id); } @Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException{ state = (String)in.readObject(); country = (String)in.readObject(); firstName = (String)in.readObject(); lastName = (String)in.readObject(); id = (int)in.readInt(); } }
import java.io.*; public class ExternalizeEx { public static void main(String args[]){ Employee emp = new Employee(1, "Krishna","Arjun","AP", "India"); Employee newEmp = null; /* Serialize Employee */ try { FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("ser.out"); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fout); out.writeObject(emp); out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(1); } /* Deserialize Employee */ try { FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("ser.out"); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fin); newEmp = (Employee) in.readObject(); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Employee emp details"); System.out.print(emp.id + " " + emp.firstName + " " + emp.lastName); System.out.println(emp.state +" " + emp.country); System.out.println("New Employee newEmp details"); System.out.print(newEmp.id + " " + newEmp.firstName +" " + newEmp.lastName+" "); System.out.println(newEmp.state +" " + newEmp.country); } }
Employee emp details 1 Krishna ArjunAP India New Employee newEmp details 1 Krishna Arjun AP India
if the super class of Employee also implement Externalizable
interface ?
super class 'EmployeeAddress' implements Externalizable interface, we
need to call the super class writeExternal and readExternal methods
in sub class to maintain persistancy.
import java.io.Externalizable; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.ObjectInput; import java.io.ObjectOutput; public class EmployeeAddress implements Externalizable{ String state, country; EmployeeAddress(String state, String country){ this.state = state; this.country = country; } public EmployeeAddress(){ super(); } @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException{ out.writeObject(state); out.writeObject(country); } @Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException{ state = (String)in.readObject(); country = (String)in.readObject(); } }
import java.io.*; public class Employee extends EmployeeAddress implements Externalizable{ int id; String firstName; String lastName; public Employee(){ super(); } Employee(int id, String firstName, String lastName, String st, String con){ super(st, con); this.id = id; this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; } @Override public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException{ super.writeExternal(out); out.writeObject(firstName); out.writeObject(lastName); out.writeInt(id); } @Override public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException{ super.readExternal(in); firstName = (String)in.readObject(); lastName = (String)in.readObject(); id = (int)in.readInt(); } }
import java.io.*; public class ExternalizeEx { public static void main(String args[]){ Employee emp = new Employee(1, "Krishna","Arjun","AP", "India"); Employee newEmp = null; /* Serialize Employee */ try { FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("ser.out"); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fout); out.writeObject(emp); out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(1); } /* Deserialize Employee */ try { FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("ser.out"); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fin); newEmp = (Employee) in.readObject(); } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { System.out.println(e); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("Employee emp details"); System.out.print(emp.id + " " + emp.firstName + " " + emp.lastName +" "); System.out.println(emp.state +" " + emp.country); System.out.println("New Employee newEmp details"); System.out.print(newEmp.id + " " + newEmp.firstName +" " + newEmp.lastName+" "); System.out.println(newEmp.state +" " + newEmp.country); } }
Employee emp details 1 Krishna Arjun AP India New Employee newEmp details 1 Krishna Arjun AP India
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