types are compatible then, we can assign one type to the other.
class CompatibleEx{ public static void main(String args[]){ Number num1 = new Integer(10); System.out.println(num1); } }
Integer is the sub class for Number, so Any Integer object is also a
Number object. So Assigning an Integer object to a Number reference
is valid.
is some what tricky as compared to normal inheritance. Will see it by
detailed Example.
you see in the above figure, DataStructure<T> is a Generic
Interface, LinearStructure<T> is another interface which
extends DataStructure interface. Stack<T> is a generic class
which implements the LinearStructure interface.
interface DataStructure<T>{ void display(); boolean search(T o); }
interface LinearStructure<T> extends DataStructure<T>{ boolean pushEle(T o); T pop(); }
class Stack<T> implements LinearStructure<T>{ int size; int top = -1; Object stk[]; Stack(int size){ this.size = size; stk = new Object[size]; } public boolean pushEle(T obj){ if(size <= 0 || top == (size-1)){ System.out.println("Stack is full or stack size is 0"); return false; } else{ top++; stk[top] = obj; return true; } } public T pop(){ if(top == -1){ System.out.println("Stack is Empty"); return null; } else{ T val = (T)stk[top]; stk[top] = null; top--; return val; } } public void display(){ System.out.println("\nElements in the stack are"); for(int i=0; i <= top; i++){ System.out.print(stk[i] +" "); } } public boolean search(Object obj){ for(int i=0; i < top; i++){ if(obj.equals(stk[i])) return true; } return false; } int getTop(){ return top; } }
class StackTest{ public static void main(String args[]){ Stack<Integer> s1 = new Stack<Integer> (10); Stack<Integer> s2 = s1; s2.pushEle(10); s2.pushEle(20); s2.display(); } }
Elements in the stack are 10 20
you observe the statements
s1 = new Stack<Integer> (10);
s2 = s1;
s1 and s2 are of type Stack<Integer> so s2=s1 is legal. See the
below code.
class StackTest{ public static void main(String args[]){ Stack<Integer> s1 = new Stack<Integer> (10); Stack<Number> s2 = s1; s2.pushEle(10); s2.pushEle(20); s2.display(); } }
you tries to compile the above program compiler throws the below
StackTest.java:4: error: incompatible types Stack<Number> s2 = s1; ^ required: Stack<Number> found: Stack<Integer> 1 error
though Integer is a sub class of Number, Stack<Integer> is not
a sub class Of Stack<Number> above error thrown.
is a sub class of LinearStructure<Integer> and
LinearStructure<Integer> is a sub class of
DataStructure<Integer>. But Stack<Integer> is not a sub
class of Stack<Number>.
class StackTest{ public static void main(String args[]){ LinearStructure<Integer> s1 = new Stack<Integer> (10); DataStructure<Integer> s2 = s1; s1.pushEle(10); s1.pushEle(20); s2.display(); } }
Elements in the stack are 10 20
Stack<Number> is a sub class of LinearStructure<Number>
and LinearStructure<Number> is a sub class of
DataStructure<Number>. But Stack<Integer> is not a sub
class of Stack<Number>.
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